Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood

I'm catching up on my DVR'd shows and just had to rant about this week's Tori & Dean.
First, I really like this show. I'm not a huge Tori Spelling fan, I don't have a catalog of 90210 merch or follow her every move. She's got a cute personality and it's intriguing to watch someone who grew up so rich struggle so hard to get by. The best thing is that if she ever had an ego, she checked it a long time ago.
So, here I am watching this week's episode and suddenly I've got to go and get all parental. Tori, Dean & friends are road tripping in a bus to promote her book, sTori Telling. Little Liam is along for the ride and not only is he just riding free in the bus but Dean even takes him up to the front seat as they are riding down the highway! WTH?? Helloo... remember Britney? It wasn't a good idea when she did it either.
Just because it has a bed and a sink, doesn't mean it's a house. If you're hurtling down the highway in it PUT THE BABY IN A CAR SEAT!!!
Nuff said...
I still "luv ya babe"

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