Thursday, July 17, 2008

Project Runway Season 5 Premiere

Finally, an old favorite is back with a new season. Project Runway premiered last night with the usual collection of outrageous and self assured designers with varying degrees of success. Of course they all have one thing in common...they will do whatever it takes to win PR!
So far, nobody is really standing out as being a "star", and nobody's really stepped up to show how "fierce" they are. Oh, there are a few who think they are gonna to be the next thing, but I think they are in for a rough slap in the face when they find out they aren't cute, don't have personality, and possess minimal talent. And WTF is "girl-iscious"?? A desperate attempt to be the next Christian Siriano is what it is. And, you are NO Christian Siriano!
For the first challenge the designers went back to a challenge from season one...the grocery store challenge. They had to create their design from what they could buy in the grocery store, with a budget of $75. While there were some very clever purchases that made it into the finished garments (dodge balls, fly swatters, and plastic cups) there were also wa-ay to many who went for the safety of a tablecloth or shower curtain.
At the end of the night though, the only thing that stuck in my mind were my screams of, "WTH do you mean Blayne is safe?? With that hideous, monstrosity of a diaper/onesie? How is that better than the "Serial Killer Slicker" ensemble?"
Ugh, well let's hope for better next week!

The Baby Borrowers: The Pre-Teens Come to Stay

I LOVE this show.
For those of you who haven't seen it, here's the idea: Take teen couples who think they are ready for a family and let them experience what it's really like to be an adult. It's an experiment of sorts where the couples are given a home, jobs and a family to care for. They even "borrow" children for 3 days (with an onsite nanny for oversight only and the parents watching via a televised feed). The teen couples first got babies, then toddlers. This week they had to care for pre-teens and they still have teenagers and elderly "parents" to come.
I think this is the greatest experiment and should be mandatory for teens to watch. These teen couples came in, pretty sure about their ability to care for children and at some point each of them has found themselves stressed and doubting their ability to finish this project. Kind of like with real parenting, only the project lasts a lifetime!!!
Some of the relationships are starting to dissolve under the pressure and the teens are actually starting to have a more realistic view of what it means to cross the threshold into adulthood.
There have been some pleasant surprises, some teens you can tell will (one day!!) be very good parents, and some who aren't as prepared as they thought. Some of them are still completely clueless (you can't just change the diaper, you also have to wipe your child's bottom!!!).
I can't wait to see how all of the teen couples feel about the experiment once it's over, and how they feel about pursuing parenthood now!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dog the Bounty Hunter

So, the Dog is back.
I'm a little disappointed. The season just started out with no mention of the scandal that sent it on hiatus to begin with. Shoot, after his big Mexican arrest they devoted an entire show to how it was affecting him and what it was like to go back to work. He made a colossal error this time, and not even a peep about it.
I have a few questions and observations about the season premier.
1.) Is it just me or is Baby Lissa spending too much time with Beth? Every season her clothes get tighter, her heels get higher and she gets more made up. I didn't even recognize her in the opening sequence!
2.) Where's "YoungBlood" (Tim)? After all these years he is suddenly gone? Does it have anything to do with the scandal?
3.) Both Beth and Dog look like they lost some weight. Was it on purpose or driven by stress?
4.) Leland was more subdued than I've ever seen him.

Overall, the premier wasn't nearly as fun or exciting as I remember the show being. It kind of seems like their heart just isn't in it anymore.
Can Dog recover from what's happened?

Technorati Profile

Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood

I'm catching up on my DVR'd shows and just had to rant about this week's Tori & Dean.
First, I really like this show. I'm not a huge Tori Spelling fan, I don't have a catalog of 90210 merch or follow her every move. She's got a cute personality and it's intriguing to watch someone who grew up so rich struggle so hard to get by. The best thing is that if she ever had an ego, she checked it a long time ago.
So, here I am watching this week's episode and suddenly I've got to go and get all parental. Tori, Dean & friends are road tripping in a bus to promote her book, sTori Telling. Little Liam is along for the ride and not only is he just riding free in the bus but Dean even takes him up to the front seat as they are riding down the highway! WTH?? Helloo... remember Britney? It wasn't a good idea when she did it either.
Just because it has a bed and a sink, doesn't mean it's a house. If you're hurtling down the highway in it PUT THE BABY IN A CAR SEAT!!!
Nuff said...
I still "luv ya babe"

The Take Home Nanny

I admit it. I'll watch just about anything that offers me some hope of controlling my kids. Put on a show with other peoples children misbehaving, desperate parents crying on the shoulder of proper English nanny and I'll sit there and suck up every word of wisdom that British bitch has to offer!
With that in mind, I was excited to check out The Take Home Nanny on TLC. Maybe she would have something to offer me that the other British nanny hasn't. Some magical words of wisdom that doesn't involve structure, or planning, or charts.
Essentially, I was met with a watered-down version of the Super Nanny. Nanny Emma showed up to the house, "observed" the family then gave the parents a report of what they were doing wrong (without assigning blame which was both weird and a whole lot less entertaining). The next day she enforced rules and structure and even had a routine chart. The problem is, it has all been done before and in a more exciting way. Plus, if you're screwing up as a parent, I think your nanny should be ballsy enough to tell you so!
So, unfortunately, The Take Home Nanny just isn't original enough for me. I'm running back to Jo Frost and her SuperNanny ways.